UID stands for User ID – this refers to someone’s SteamID64 key.
To add an owner add the file users.cfg to your /cfg/ directory
moderatorid 76561197960279927 garry
ownerid 76561197960279927 garry
kick <UID> “Player name” “Reason”
kickall <Invalid parameter, just put “”> “Reason”
ban “Player name” “Reason”
banid <UID> “Player name” “Reason”
status ; Print out information of all currently connected clients.
say ”Message” ; Sends a message in chat.
users ; Show user info for players on server.
banlist ; List of banned users.
banlistex ; List of banned users – shows reasons and usernames.
listid ; List of banned users, by UID.
event.run ; Sends an airdrop from a random direction to drop crates at (0,0,0).
server.port <Number (Default 28015)> ; Sets the connection port of the server.
server.maxplayers <Number (Default 500)> ; Sets the maximum amount of players that can join.
server.hostname “Server name” ; Sets the server name.
server.identity “Identity” ; Sets the server’s identity; this is used for the folder name of the server data.
server.level “Map name” ; Sets the server’s map.
server.seed <Number (Default 123456)> ; Sets the server’s map generation seed.
[This stuff you can execute as normal.]
server.saveinterval <Number (Default 60)> ; Sets the server’s the auto-save interval.
server.secure <true/false (Default true)> ; If true, EAC will kick banned or unregistered users upon joining.
server.tickrate <Number (Default 30)> ; Uhh… sets the tick rate?
server.start ; Uhh… starts your server? Wait, isn’t it already running?
server.stop “Reason” ; Stops yours server with a specified reason.
server.writecfg ; Creates a server.cfg in your server’s \<identity>\cfg\ folder… but know that these cfgs don’t actually load.
inventory.give “Item name” <Amount> ; Gives yourself an item. Only works on RCon?
gc.collect ; Recollects unused memory and unloads unused assets.
construct.frameminutes ; How many minutes before a placed frame gets destroyed.
chat.enabled <true/false (Default true)> ; Enables/disables chat.
chat.serverlog <true/false (Default true)> ; If true, chat will be logged to the console.
effects.aa <true/false (Default true)> ; Sets anti-aliasing.
effects.ao <true/false (Default true)> ; Sets ambient occlusion.
effects.lensdirt <true/false (Default true)> ; Sets lens dirt.
effects.motionblur <true/false (Default true)> ; Sets motion blur.
effects.shafts <true/false (Default true)> ; Sets light shafts.
effects.vignet <true/false (Default true)> ; Sets vignet (??).
effects.color <true/false (Default true)> ; Sets visibility of color (??).
effects.reflect <true/false (Default true)> ; Sets water reflection (??).
fps.graph <true/false (Default true)> ; Displays the fps graph on screen.
terrain.quality <Number (Default 1)> ; Sets the terrain quality.
objects ; Lists all objects in the world.
wakeup ; Forces your avatar to wakeup.
textures ; Lists all loaded textures.
spectate ; Kills your avatar and goes into spectator mode.
sleep ; Forces your avatar to go to sleep.
quit ; Writes the cfg file, and stops the server/game.
colliders ; Displays how many colliders exist in the world separated by enabled and disabled ones.
kill ; Commits suicide.
Item list:
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